Crofton Cattery
Crofton Cattery is conveniently located in the heart of Braiswick, Colchester in the beautiful family garden of Crofton House. Crofton Cattery offer feline guests a luxurious stay with stunning views of the garden and a nearby golf course.
This site was given to me to develop during my time at Green Square. The site had already been designed with consideration being given to how it will view on mobile devices. While developing the site I gave careful consideration of how it will view on a wide range of devices and tried to keep the code required and load times to a minimum. I had also developed the site in a way allows it to be easily updated via the admin panel.
The site was developed using WordPress, Contact Form 7 for forms, Advanced Custom Fields for administration of the site and Yoast to override the title tags and provide meta (Twitter) cards. The template was developed using the BootStrap 4 framework, Slick Slider, SCSS and jQuery.
Category: Website
Tags: ACF Pro, BootStrap, Contact Form 7, Google Maps, jQuery, PHP, SCSS, Slick Slider, WordPress, Yoast
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